I found much to injest. Thank you for giving me guidelines to improve the me, and stop trying to be the person I think would please others. I'm the one who can be the real me, then pass joy and love to others. Thank you, Rabbi Jack.
Thank you Flavius for sharing this feedback. And thank you Moshe Gersht who authored this piece. I think he would say that it’s not about you changing or improving yourself as much as it is just embodying the you that you already are.
Any suggestion if I should buy this book first vs Its All the Same to Me?
I found it’s all the same to me easier to grasp and apply as a first step. It’s a short easy read.
I found much to injest. Thank you for giving me guidelines to improve the me, and stop trying to be the person I think would please others. I'm the one who can be the real me, then pass joy and love to others. Thank you, Rabbi Jack.
Thank you Flavius for sharing this feedback. And thank you Moshe Gersht who authored this piece. I think he would say that it’s not about you changing or improving yourself as much as it is just embodying the you that you already are.